Requirements for submitting an article for the The International Multidisciplinary Journal of Universal Scientific Prospectives (IMJUSP)

The procedure for writing articles is determined by IMRAD requirements and they are as follows:
The first part of the article is the title (title of the article, author information, contact information).
Abstract is a brief summary of the research paper. It will reflect the purpose, methodology, result and conclusion of the research. The abstract of the final project work of undergraduate students should be between 150-200 words.

Introduction. The introductory part is divided into two parts: 1) The introductory part of the article includes the relevance, importance, problems and foundations of the topic, as well as hypotheses. 2) In the literature analysis part, it is necessary to give short conclusions about the scientific research works published by local and foreign scientists within the scope of the topic.
Methodology. In this part, the researcher implementing the article describes the methods necessary for the formation of the results part of the research, the databases used, the methods of formation of these data if the student uses primary data, the analysis of variables (if using econometric models). illuminates.
Results. The results part of the article is considered one of the most important parts, and in this part, the researcher presents reports so that he can find answers to the questions posed in the introduction. Results relevant to the study are presented in this section. Results are usually presented in some form and format: tables, graphs, charts, equations, photographs, drawings, or text. Brief reviews, comparisons, and statistical evaluations are given in the pictures. In this case, the researcher must present the data in the order indicated in the methodology section.
Discussion. The discussion section is the most difficult part of the article. If evidence and facts are presented in the results section, the author's thoughts, ideas, problems during research, and practical application are discussed in the discussion section. The discussion section should be more theoretical, generalizing and related to the general problem. The discussion section should be more directly related to practice, as it discusses the importance of the obtained results and their practical application. The discussion section is the best place to express your thoughts and ideas. In this part, the student can argue with other researchers, propose new hypotheses, opinions, hypotheses, theories. If the hypothesis is formulated in the introduction of the article, then in the discussion it is necessary to write whether the hypothesis is confirmed or not.
References. The list of references is formed in alphabetical order and APA style is used. Citations are given in APA style when opinions expressed by scholars within the text appear as quotations.
Example: Solidjonov, D. Z. (2021). The impact of social media on education: advantage and disadvantage. Economic society, (3-1 (82)), 284-288.

1) Author's family name, first name and patronymic;

2) Year of publication;

3) Title of the publication;

4) In which magazine it was published;

5) In which issue of the magazine it was published;

6) From which page of the magazine the article took place.

- If laws, decisions and decrees are cited among the literature used, they are cited in the first part of the literature list and it is as follows:

Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Private Enterprises". December 11, 2003 (as amended).
Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-3366 dated December 22, 2003 "On improving the system of economic management bodies".
Decision PQ-29 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 14, 2005 "On the program of expropriation and privatization of enterprises in 2005-2006".
- The list of used websites is given in the following order:

List of websites used: (Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan).

Tables, diagrams and pictures used in the article are formed in the order given in the sample.

Table 1. List of Kokan University students

Diagrams and pictures

Figure 1. Students of Kokand University

Additional information on the article, survey results, reports, summary tables, graphs, pictures are provided after the reference section.
For publication in the magazine, it is requested to send the articles in electronic form, Article in MS Word (.docx) format, from the personal email of the author to the email address