About the Journal

The International Multidisciplinary Journal of Universal Scientific Prospectives (IMJUSP) is a cutting-edge, peer-reviewed scholarly journal dedicated to fostering innovative research, promoting cross-disciplinary collaboration, and advancing universal scientific knowledge. With a commitment to excellence, IMJUSP provides a platform for researchers, scholars, and experts from various fields to share their findings and insights, contributing to the global scientific community's growth and understanding.

Missions and Objectives: At IMJUSP, our missions and objectives are:

  1. Promoting Interdisciplinary Research: We encourage collaboration between different scientific domains to address complex global challenges and discover new solutions.

  2. Quality and Rigor: IMJUSP is committed to maintaining high academic standards and rigorous peer-review processes to ensure the validity and reliability of published research.

  3. Global Accessibility: We aim to make scientific knowledge accessible to a worldwide audience, providing open access to our publications and promoting inclusivity in research dissemination.

  4. Knowledge Exchange: IMJUSP serves as a platform for researchers to exchange ideas, share insights, and engage in constructive discussions, fostering a vibrant scientific community.

  5. Innovation and Advancement: We support groundbreaking research and innovations that have the potential to transform industries and improve the quality of life for people around the world.

  6. Ethical Conduct: IMJUSP upholds the highest ethical standards in research and publishing, promoting integrity, transparency, and responsible scientific inquiry.


Founder: "SecondSun" LLC
Editorial address: Abdurahmon Jomiy 75, Kokand city, Fergana Region, Uzbekistan